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The Future of Fleet Leasing Companies: Trends and Innovations to Watch

Written by Wilmar, Inc. | 5/21/24 5:51 PM

As a fleet manager, you know that change is inevitable for leasing companies. New technologies and business models constantly emerge, shaping the future of fleet management. Looking ahead, you need to understand the key innovations that will disrupt and transform the fleet leasing industry over the next decade. Getting ahead of these trends will allow you to future-proof your fleet strategy. In this article, we will explore the most important developments poised to revolutionize fleet leasing operations and relationships in the 2020s. Understanding these innovations can empower you to make strategic decisions that maximize efficiency and cost savings for your fleet.

Equipped with foresight into the future fleet leasing landscape, you will gain a competitive advantage that benefits your organization’s fleet operations long-term.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles in Fleet Leasing

Growing Demand for Sustainable Options

With environmental concerns at an all-time high, many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. For fleet leasing companies, this means investing in alternative fuel vehicles, like electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrids. By 2025, it’s estimated that EVs and hybrids will make up 10-15% of fleet vehicle acquisitions.

Declining Costs and Improving Technology

For years, the high upfront costs of EVs deterred businesses from adopting them. However, as technology improves and production ramps up, costs are coming down dramatically. The average price of an EV is now on par with a comparable gas-powered vehicle. At the same time, EV range and charging infrastructure are expanding quickly. This makes EVs a viable, affordable option for more and more fleets.

Government Incentives and Regulation

Governments around the world are offering incentives for people and businesses to go electric. Tax rebates, grants, and other perks can help offset the cost of EV fleets. Some cities and countries have also set targets for phasing out gas and diesel vehicles in the coming decades. Fleet leasing companies need to stay ahead of these trends to meet customer demands and regulatory requirements.

An Opportunity for Growth

The rise of EVs represents an opportunity for growth in the fleet leasing industry. Companies that can provide affordable leasing and maintenance for EV fleets will be poised to capture more business from eco-conscious brands. Of course, this also requires developing in-house expertise in EV technology, charging solutions, and sustainability best practices. For forward-thinking fleet leasing companies, EVs could drive the next wave of innovation.

Autonomous Vehicle Technology and Its Impact

The emergence of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology promises to significantly impact fleet leasing companies over the next decade. As vehicles become more automated and eventually reach full autonomy, fleet managers will need to determine how to best integrate this technology into their operations.

Adopting AV Technology

Integrating AV technology into fleet operations will require both short-term and long-term planning. In the near term, fleet managers can start by implementing advanced driver assistance systems and semi-autonomous features like emergency braking, lane-keeping assistance, and adaptive cruise control. These systems can improve safety and reduce accidents, decreasing costs associated with repairs and insurance claims. Over time, fleets can transition to fully autonomous vehicles as the technology matures and costs decrease.

Transitioning Workforce Needs

The rise of AV technology will also impact fleet workforce needs. With vehicles handling more driving functions, the role of human drivers will change. Fleet companies may need data scientists and software engineers to help manage AV systems. Drivers may take on more supervisory roles to monitor vehicle performance and take over driving when needed. Some driving jobs may be eliminated altogether, which could reduce costs but also require retraining or replacing impacted workers.

Changing Business Models

Finally, AV technology may prompt fleets to rethink their overall business models. If vehicles can operate without drivers, fleet companies may move away from traditional leasing and ownership models toward mobility as a service model. Fleets could operate autonomous vehicle networks, providing transportation to customers on demand. This transition could increase revenue opportunities but also introduce more risk and uncertainty.

In summary, autonomous vehicle technology will significantly impact fleet leasing companies over the next 10 years and beyond. Advance planning and a willingness to embrace innovation will help ensure fleets can leverage the benefits of this technology and adapt to changes in operations, workforce and business models. With proper planning and management, AV technology can ultimately help fleets improve safety, reduce costs and uncover new business opportunities.

Using Telematics and GPS Tracking to Optimize Fleets

As fleet management continues to modernize, telematics and GPS tracking systems are increasingly being leveraged to optimize fleet operations. These technologies provide data and analytics to improve routing, reduce costs, and enhance safety.

Routing Optimization

Telematics collects data on vehicle location, speed, and direction to determine the most efficient routes in real time. By analyzing traffic and road conditions, the systems can reroute vehicles around congestion and delays. Optimized routing reduces wasted time and fuel, allowing vehicles to complete more jobs each day. According to studies, routing optimization can improve fleet efficiency by up to 30%.

Cost Reduction

GPS tracking allows fleet managers to monitor vehicle usage and identify opportunities for cost savings. The systems log the time vehicles are idling or sitting unused, indicating where resources can be better allocated. Excessive idling wastes fuel and causes additional wear and tear. By reducing idling time, fleets have saved up to 10% on fuel costs. GPS data also provides visibility into unauthorized vehicle usage, preventing loss or misuse of assets.

Enhanced Safety

Telematics monitor driving behaviors like speeding, harsh braking, and sharp turning. The data is used to identify unsafe driving habits and provide coaching to improve driver performance. Studies show that monitoring and feedback can decrease accidents by up to 40% over time. In the event of an accident, the systems also automatically detect collisions and can dispatch emergency responders to the vehicle’s location.

Looking ahead, telematics and GPS tracking will only become more advanced and integral to fleet management. As the technologies continue to evolve, fleets that leverage them to their full potential will gain a competitive advantage through increased efficiency, cost savings, and risk mitigation. The future of fleet leasing is data-driven, with telematics paving the way.

Leveraging Data and AI to Improve Fleet Operations

Fleet management is an ideal use case for artificial intelligence and big data. By harnessing the power of data analytics and machine learning, fleet leasing companies can gain valuable insights to optimize operations, reduce costs, and better serve their customers.

Analyzing Historical Data to Predict Future Trends

Fleet leasing companies have access to huge amounts of historical data on vehicle usage, maintenance, costs, and more. By analyzing trends in this data, companies can predict future costs more accurately, anticipate potential issues, and make data-driven decisions about vehicle replacement and rotation. Detecting patterns in the data can also help identify ways to cut unnecessary costs.

Leveraging Telematics for Real-Time Insights

Onboard telematics systems provide a constant stream of data on vehicle location, usage, diagnostics, and driver behavior. Fleet leasing companies can tap into this data in real-time to monitor fleet operations, ensure compliance, and take immediate action if needed. For example, if a “check engine” light comes on, the company can promptly alert the customer and schedule required maintenance. Real-time data also enables usage-based insurance models and billing.

Employing AI for Smart Fleet Management

Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize fleet management. AI systems can analyze huge amounts of data to detect complex patterns and optimize complex operations in ways that humans cannot. AI can help determine optimal vehicle routing and scheduling to reduce wasted mileage. It can also help identify the best vehicles and options for a customer based on their unique needs and usage patterns.

Fleet leasing companies should make the most of new opportunities to leverage data and AI. Implementing advanced analytics, telematics, and AI can provide a significant competitive advantage by enabling smart, efficient fleet management, cost savings, and an enhanced customer experience. The innovations that emerge will shape the future of fleet leasing.


As you look to the future of your fleet leasing company, pay close attention to emerging innovations in vehicle connectivity, autonomy, electrification, and sharing. These technologies will enable new business models and value propositions over the next decade. Position yourself to take advantage of data-driven insights, greener fleets, smarter asset utilization, and on-demand access.

The companies that embrace change and invest in strategic modernization today will be the industry leaders of tomorrow. Approach the future with optimism, agility and a commitment to excellence.