[The Continuance from part one]
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Vehicles are a vital part of modern business. There are hundreds of industries and sub-industries that involve driving to and from customer locations and worksites. Then factor in regional managers who travel from location to location, C-level managers with company cars, driving around visiting clients, and road-based business trips.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management, Telematics, Fleet News
Dashboard cameras, casually known as dash cams, are an amazing new addition to every driving industry and are quickly becoming a staple of modern fleet management. From truckers to delivery drivers to corporate transportation fleets, dash cams add an extra layer of accountability and accident recording that have already saved many fleet drivers from scams and falsified accident reports.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management, Fleet Tracking
When you own a business with a fleet of vehicles and drivers, you need to ensure that everyone is safe. Otherwise, your business will not be able to be perform the way that it should. However, safety is not just for the success of your business, it can also help with your fuel consumption, so you can keep your costs down.
Topics: Fleet Safety
Within the last twenty years, the idea of green business practices has grown increasingly popular. Where once people's primary concerns were to see corporate responsibility with pollutants and natural resources, the recent trend has been one toward overall renewability and efficiency.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Maintenance
Finding ways to ensure your drivers drive your fleet vehicles safely can become a major challenge if you don't create some form of sustained motivation. Even if your drivers mostly keep a clean driving record, you may still worry about them becoming complacent. As a fleet manager, this is always a nightmare scenario, though creating driver incentives can easily change things.
Topics: Fleet Safety
A top concern for businesses that depend on a fleet of vehicles is the cutting of fuel spend. Fuel costs remain one of the higher expenses of fleet management.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management
One thing you've been perhaps wanting to include in your ongoing fleet management plan is a video safety program. While these become very beneficial in educating and guiding your drivers, not all of these programs are created equal.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Management, Fleet Tracking
Your company's success hinges upon your ability to ensure that your customers receive prompt personal service from your sales representatives and service technicians. If your sales and service staff drive fleet vehicles on a regular basis, you can help ensure prompt service by developing an effective fleet safety program.
Topics: Fleet Safety
Tire maintenance is important for the safety of your drivers, as well as your fleet. Though you should be keeping an eye on them regularly, at the very least, you should complete monthly inspections to ensure that your tires are safe.
Topics: Fleet Safety, Fleet Maintenance