Drive Your Fleet Forward | Wilmar, Inc.

How to Set Up a Fleet Maintenance Program

Written by Wilmar, Inc. | 1/1/70 12:00 AM

Every commercial fleet needs a maintenance program to help keep its vehicles in top condition. Proper maintenance contributes to the safety, performance, and investment longevity of every vehicle in the fleet, and relying on outside maintenance often results in infrequent inspections and break-fix repairs.

An internal fleet maintenance program, however, can provide the attentive and responsive care necessary to prevent unexpected breakdowns, avoid downtime, and keep your drivers safe from undetected performance issues. If your fleet does not yet have a maintenance program, you can follow these simple steps to build one for yourself.

Hire Skilled Vehicle Technicians

For any maintenance program, you will first need to hire technicians who are part of your team. Availability and regular expertise are the key to a well-maintained fleet. When your technicians are on staff, they are able to pay close attention to the vehicles on a daily basis to perform scheduled maintenance tasks and provide things like fluid changes, new belts, and performance checks on a regular basis, as well as availability for serious repairs when the need arises.

Secure Vendors for Parts and Supplies

You will eventually need replacement parts in the cours of your in-house fleet maintenance. Secure the parts you need by cultivating a relationship with vendors and suppliers. Stock up plenty of vehicle maintenance supplies and a few strategically chosen parts that you won't have to wait for when the time comes for an emergency repair.

Determine Preventative Maintenance Steps

Lay out a preventative maintenance checklist of inspections and tasks that will keep your vehicles in top condition. Use research on the specific models of vehicles that are in your fleet to build the maintenance steps that they will require.

Establish a Fleet Maintenance Schedule

Create a schedule that checks each vehicle routinely for signs that maintenance is required. This should be a rotational schedule so that there is never more than one vehicle in the bay at one time. This schedule will guide your technicians in their inspections and routine maintenance tasks.

Incorporate Daily Maintenance Checks

In addition to scheduled checks on each vehicle every few weeks, you should also incorporate a daily maintenance check. Train your drivers to look all the way around a vehicle to check for signs of damage, thin tire treads, equipment performance, and other details that might cause problems on the route. A daily checklist is not just good for fleet maintenance, it's also beneficial to the entire team on the road.

Empower Drivers to Report Maintenance Concerns

Make it possible for drivers to report any specific maintenance concerns they may have. if their vehicle is making an odd noise, if an important feature can't be used, or if they feel something grinding under the vehicle. it's important to tell the fleet manager immediately so that an inspection and maintenance can be scheduled before a disaster occurs on the road.

Provide an avenue for reporting and encourage your drivers to report.

Track Maintenance Data

Data tracking is becoming a prominent part of fleet management in the modern era, and maintenance is no exception. Track the issues that arise with each vehicle, the repairs conducted, and the frequency of safety or maintenance concerns. Track the supplies and parts you use and the overall effectiveness of your fleet maintenance program.

Optimize and Improve Over Time

Finally, use everything you learn within the first year to improve your fleet maintenance program, and never stop that process. Continue to learn, improve, and hone your fleet maintenance until downtime is virtually a thing of the past.

Master Your Fleet Maintenance Program with Wilmar

Wilmar is a specialized service for business fleets and fleet managers. We can provide expert maintenance services or help you build your own internal fleet maintenance program to keep each of the vehicles in your fleet performing to their best capabilities. For more fleet management tips or to build your own fleet with Wilmar, contact us today.