Why should business owners go with leasing over owning company vehicles? Buying a car means you have to pay a loan over a specified period of time, and you will have to pay this loan even if the value of the car drops below the amount on the loan. The most common scenario where this can arise happens when the car crashes.
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When you hear the word "telematics," your eyes probably glaze over and your ears magically shut off. It's a big word you expect to hear from geniuses like Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, as he unveils the company's newest technology. Don't let the word intimidate you, however.
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Plenty of strategies out there lower the cost of your fleet, but we're going to discuss asset management strategies to help you optimize your fleet. Through effective asset management, you can meet goals and reduce spending, meet customer demands and increase your efficiency.
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Parking lots are some of the most dangerous places to drive car or truck fleets because of the constant movement of vehicles, and when the lot becomes congested, the frequency of accidents go up even more. You have to take measures to protect yourself and reduce the chances of having an accident in the parking lot.
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When operating a fleet-centered business, like any business venture, your goal is to control the bottom line while providing necessary services to stay on top of the business.
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There are several steps necessary to design fleet financing that is customized to your specific business requirements. To prepare for fleet financing, you must first analyze your business and your resources.
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It's important to have safe drivers on the road. Wilmar is here to help you make that happen. Our Fleet Risk and Safety Management program integrates consultative expertise and additional safety services to help keep your drivers safe while cutting your expenses and risk.
Some road accidents are unavoidable. But the majority are completely preventable - caused by bad driving habits, poor vehicle maintenance, poor road design, etc.
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Many companies see hiring a fleet management company (FMC) as a cop-out to managing their fleet themselves. They see it as a way to "brush off" their business responsibilities onto another company. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
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If you are managing a fleet, then fleet safety is one of your primary concerns - you need to protect drivers, passengers, and cargo as well as your own bottom line. The roads are more dangerous than they ever were - 2016 was the deadliest year on American roads in nearly a decade, thanks to lower gas prices and an increase in distracted driving.
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